You sweet human beings, it is how I am feeling...finally. More accurately, I am referring to simply the first two adjectives of my consciousness that I am currently experiencing. (Haha no sh*t Sherlock, am I right or am I on point?)
Self-care kicked in swiftly and suddenly, and to each their own, but I need to feel the connection to self and "source" in some ways; such as - get moving and tune in with nature in, one way or another.
So, oddly, in my extremely uncomfortable outfit for my "movement medicine", I got on my yoga mat, and began my vinyasa routine, remembering how often this used to happen, and, wondering "What in the world happened to me to stop, this self-care mechanism?". Namaste. Finito. I nod in gratitude and let the negative feelings and thoughts run through me, as opposed to oppressing the feelings themselves.
On to the next thing, gardening ... and as much as I love it, and feel it is my own "healing activity", also I feel good helping the most relevant woman in my life. Of course, the one who gave me mine, Mom. And truthfully I am surprised I took a liking to it. It sounds a bit cheesy if you call it a hobby, at least on dating sites. Lol (I used to think!).
Long story short, which led me to write my little novel #2 (aka blogging on Spaces by Wix), I saw four toddlers having fun in their front yard almost as much as I must have been having, with a 20-something year old, jean-rocking, large-hipped, pretty lady with her hair in a bun. We smile at each other with a faint nod and "hello greet", in a neighbourly manner that people do to be polite.
"Amelia, come overhere" she shouts at the little girl. It took me a while to register that uncommon name & I giggle to myself...
"Julia, let's go, this way"... as she tried to distract the children from whatever bugs they were trying to eat or sniffing the weeds they deemed as beautiful flowers.
Now, that was I just keep walking and laughed a bit, thinking "Actually today I go by the name Alessia, and I plan for it to be the final one!" True story and funny coincidence. Now, if the third girl was named that, I'd conclude I must be hearing things.
Have a nice synchronous day all! I am available... Amelia aka Julia aka Alessia! No, just Alessia Amore :)